I just finished You, Maybe. I have to tell you, I am sad right now. The book really had an emotional impact on me. It hurt when I finished the book, after battling through the emotional turmoil that was conveyed in this book.
Don't think I am giving away the ending of the book. It ended with a glimmer of hope, but through the book, you are really faced with the experience of a high school student going through that awkward stage - finding herself in her relationship and not in a relationship.
I was immediately taken back to my high school days, the days of being crying over heartbreak, the days of living high on love, and just enjoying that feeling of newness. I admit, I looked up my old boyfriend (and his wife), just to see how he had changed, and to be thankful that I have found a new relationship since that high school flame burned out. I am afraid that a teen might get the wrong idea from the book (that promiscuity is okay if you "love" a high school boyfriend/girlfriend), but I think it is great to revisit the past.
Should you read this book? If you have graduated from high school, yes!
Should you pass it on? Sure, to a high school friend, but not to a teen.
Click here to read a chapter from the book.
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