Friday, March 5, 2010

Big Fat Manifesto by Susan Vaught

Big Fat Manifesto is essentially a novelized form of the document Fat Girl Manifesto, which I found while googling the wrong title. The main character writes a column entitled Fat Girl Manifesto in which she chronicles the "injustices" she faces as a size 4X. She also comments on her boyfriend's bariatric surgery, which she is not a fan of. The story is a bit predictable for a teen novel, but worth reading. I rather enjoyed it, although by the end, I was ready for it to be over. It is rather like the book I read earlier, Fat Chance, but aimed more at a younger audience.

The book is filled with facts and research (though none of it cited), that rationalizes being morbidly obese. The character is supposed to be happy with herself and proud of being fat, but she complains because she is never cast as the lead in a play and she can't wear beautiful clothes. I really want to know if the author is fat. Does she understand these struggles or is she framing this in a way that she finds to be fair and balanced? I think it could be interesting to know.

Recommendation: I don't know... Read it if you identify with being a large person in a skinny world, but not if you don't want a long rant about how horribly fat people are treated.

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