I finished The Truth About Hillary:What She Knew, When She Knew It, and How Far She'll Go to Become President by Edward Klein about a month ago. I haven't written about it because I have been busy hiding it under my sister's pillow, in her purse, and in her car, so that Hillary's face is ever present to scare her. As you can see, the cover image is frightening. Even better, the spine of the book has one large eye that stares out at you from the shelf or underneath the sofa or where ever you choose to store (hide) this book.
Now to the contents: I will first admit that it took me several months to read this book. I started it around May and have been reading it sporadically over these past few months. It is interesting enough, but I can't trust Klein. So many of his "sources" are anonymous, and it is clear that his agenda is to defame the former first lady.
You might be wondering why I bought this book. Am I for Hillary, against her, or was there some other force that led me to pick up my volume? To be perfectly honest, I bought the book because I thought the picture was super scary. I thought it might be some sort of biographical account of her life, and hey, who isn't curious about someone else's life? I thought I could learn something.
What I learned from the book is that Edward Klein hates Hillary and will go to any length to tie her to every bad thing he can think of. He proclaims that she is a lesbian because she had lesbian friends in college, and because she was given a magazine as a gift, she is a poster child for the ideas that are promoted within those pages. He rants about her nefarious deeds and sites sources on every page. I found that I checked every source (which added to my reading time) because I didn't believe what he said. It was outlandish, boring, and unfounded. After reading the book, I really feel like I trust Hillary more than I could ever trust Klein. She is a sympathetic character who is making it, even after he tried so hard to ruin her image. I could relate to her - I have friends who do things I might not agree with, have been cheated on and stayed with my partner, and there are other similarities. She is attacked and now I feel like I have to protect her.
Should you read this book? Probably not. It is not worth it. If you want to learn about Hil, why not choose a more credible author (one not consumed with some grandiose, paranoid theory that Hillary is out to get him)? I am just glad it is over.
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