Monday, May 23, 2016

The Witness Wore Red by Rebecca Musser

This book is similar to Escape. It chronicles the life and escape of Rebecca "Becky" Musser from the FLDS cult.  She discusses her relationship with her polygamist father, abusive "mothers", her marriage to an elderly leader of the sect, and her revelation that her lifestyle was not healthy.  There is an extended discussion of Warren Jeffs and the multitude of sins he committed, as well as the influence that he exerted over these people through manipulation of their beliefs and their lives in general.

It isn't the most gripping book I've ever read, but I enjoy the polygamists and learning about how they function.  Becky demonstrates how deeply the fundamentals of her rearing are ingrained into her through her modesty in sharing her story and it is clear that the transition was not easy.  Bonus: It reads a lot like one of my favorites shows - Big Love.

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn

I loved this book.  It was a slow start.  I didn't want the first fifty pages, but once I made it past those, I couldn't stop reading.  I didn't want to go to sleep.  I went to the park at lunch to read.  We closed my office early so I could go home and finish it.

The basic premise is that a reporter is assigned to her hometown to investigate the gruesome murder of a young girl.  Soon, another young girl is killed.  The reporter explores the murder, navigates romantic and sexual relationships, and explores her strained family ties.

I highly recommend this book.  I am already looking forward to the next.

The Birth Order Connection

The birth order connection was an interesting book that explains how your placement in your family affects the way you interact with those around you and your romantic partner. It was pretty interesting.  I learned that as the oldest child, I not only like to follow the rules, but I like to make them, as well.  This makes me a good match for a last born or middle child.

The book doesn't tell you anything you didn't know, but its a fun read and a good conversation starter. It also only takes a couple hours to read.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Dark Heroine: Dinner with a Vampire

So I bough this because I had seen it in Target just a few months before. I thought it must be good because it was in the teen section and it was a romance. I have high standards, I know... It wasn't bad, though. I actually went through it quickly and I enjoyed the story line. It wasn't a sexy romance as billed on the cover, but it was a cute story of girl (Violet) who is kidnapped by vampire family after seeing a brutal murder.

She then struggles with her feelings of fear and hatred for being kept against her will and finally with the romantic feelings that creep up on her as she develops Stockholm Syndrome with the vampire family. Okay, so it isn't played out as Stockholm Syndrome, but when you read a book like this, don't you wonder about that?

As usual, there is a good guy who is hot, and a bad guy who is (at least to Violet, the main character) hotter, and how she will choose between the good guy and the guy who is possibly carrying a host of STIs. Tough choice, right? Well, the book is quite long and there is a good possibility that Violet will choose in this book, but remember, this is supposed to be a trilogy,so who can be sure?

I do recommend this if you have some time to kill. It is fun and interesting and seems to incorporate some new elements as part of the story that I haven't seen before. I am looking forward to the next book.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Entwined by Heather Dixon

I loved this book. It seemed like a a fantastical, drawn out version of the fairy tale with the ten princesses. I read this during exams, and I loved that it allowed me to be transported to a world of magical passageways, princesses, galas, and romance. It was a teen book, but it was so good. I highly encourage this book. I hope she writes more!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


I just finished this book, the only book I actually read while I was on Christmas break. This book was probably the worst of the series, but I feel obliged to read on since I borrowed them from J and she really loved them and told me how much she loved them. I continue to try to enjoy them, but geez... Vamps, fallen gods, teens succumbing to their hormones... Ugh...

Monday, November 19, 2012

Walking Around in Cirles Before Lying Down

I loved this book. It was funny and unexpected. There were names that I recognized, and I forgot for a moment that this book was fiction. I loved that the dog had a voice and said all the things that I know my dogs say on a daily basis, though I am not tuned in enough to hear them. Please read this book. I wish I could write more about how much I love it, but alas, I am a student again and school has to take precedence.