Sunday, February 5, 2012

Drama is Her Middle Name

I recently joined a book club. This was the selection chosen, with the one merit that there were enough copies for each of the members and it was free due to Wendy Williams doing a book signing/promotion at a college where one of the group members has a child in attendance. The book was okay. It wasn't super exciting, but it was an okay enough read. I think it felt like the beginning of a story, not enough for an entire book, but it was interesting. I was able to come up with several questions for discussion, but I realize that many of the questions were about the necessity of all the characters that were given prominent roles and the possibility of the constant brand name dropping becoming distracting. I would not recommend this book to anyone, particularly not for a book club, but I am glad to say that I have finished it so we can move on to our next selection.