Monday, April 16, 2012

Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris

I wasn't sure what to read when I grabbed this book from the overwhelming stack sitting in the guest bedroom that houses just books now. Fortunately, I picked Me Talk Pretty One Day because I thought it might be something that would be entertaining. Honestly, I laughed out loud and nearly cried many times while reading the witty essays. There were times when I wanted to share the book with others and times when I thought I should keep it for reference for something else, including my ENG 090 class. I was afraid one would take offense and I would get in trouble, though.

I think my favorite essay was the final one about Sedaris's father's obsession with hoarding food until it was unrecognizable and then eating it. I laughed and laughed. I was talking about this book at work and a coworker told me that she had read some of Sedaris's other works but not this one. I couldn't wait to rush home, finish it, and take it back to her. I was excited to share the book, happy to give that little bit of my life to her.

Read and enjoy!

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