Saturday, April 17, 2010

Dear Mr. Henshaw

I remember how much I loved Dear Mr. Henshaw when I was little, but I couldn't remember just what the book was about, so a couple weeks ago, I decided I would spend a couple hours rereading it.

When I started reading the book, I was amused by the subtle humor of the letters the main character wrote to Mr. Henshaw, the author of a book he had read. He keeps writing Mr. Henshaw letters as he reads the book year after year. The main character then begins processing the issues that are happening around him - the divorce of his parents, his grief over a dog his dad took and then lost, and the absence of his father.

I think the book can still speak to children and adults alike. There is this quality of innocence and relatability that I think is missing in many current books. I have to recommend this for children and adults. Read it to your children, reread it for yourself, but don't forget this book.

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