I just finished Fat Chance. I really enjoyed it. The praise on the cover should tell you enough about the book - "Spring's Best Chick Lit 2004." It was a quick easy read, one that I read in small "bites" over the past few weeks. Small sections end at the bottom of the page so it is easy to pick up when you have to put it down after sneaking in five minutes of quiet reading time.
This book is fun. It is predictable, but it is a Red Dress Inc. book, so you can't expect more. It is a book to place by the bed or put by the tub. There are some steamy sections, but the book was tasteful overall. There were sections that led me to believe that Blumenthal is actually a great writer, but other sections seemed to highlight the purple prose that is so common in romance novels.
The story focuses on Maggie, a cynical writer from New York City, who becomes involved in a movie deal as a consultant. With the allure of meeting a favorite actor, the former fat champion betrays her readers and attempts a weight loss regimen that just may change her life. I won't tell you more than that, other than this is a great read if you are with someone you love, you are still wishing for the object of your desire, or you are simply ready to learn something about weight loss. Happy reading!