I have to tell you, I did not love the ending of The Dirty Girls Social Club. It was neat and pretty and everything you would expect. There was nothing that you didn't.
The ending was the worst part of the book. The rest of the book was interesting. There are five main characters who each have a crazy set of problems that they are trying to work through, alone and with the help of each other. Also, there is a Latina for every flavor - Mexican, Spanish, Puerto Rican, Dominican, Columbian, Cuban and I am sure there are others.
There is a sequel that is called Dirty Girls on Top. The description that I read about it makes is look great. The neat ribbon that was tied at the end of The Dirty Girls starts to unravel in the second novel. I am afraid to read the book, though, because I feel that the way the author tied up the first book might be a habit. I can't take that again.
I can't say that I recommend this book. I know I am starting to sound like a broken record, but the books I have been reading start out great, but then take a nose dive right at the end. I do want to pass this book on, though, because I think it is important to support Latina artists. I also think it is important for Latinas to know that there is literature out there that is aimed at us.